Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Painting and an Artist Feature

Once Again I've taken forever to getting around to updating the blog. The good news is however that I've finally finished the farm logo. I've emailed the client but have not yet heard back from them (if you're reading this please email me back!). It took a lot longer than anticipated, mostly due to life getting in the way but also the occassional lack of supplies.

So here it is:

Now to the Featured Artist. A couple of months ago I met up with MareLee Thorneberry, a fiber artist who has recently moved to my hometown. What's a fiber artist? She is a spinner, weaver, knitter, fabric dye-er, wool processer, etc. MareLee originates from the Rocky Mountains and Canada and has been plying her trade for the last 37 years. Aside from conventional weaving, she experiments with materials others may not consider usable - such as feathers and spiderweb. She is starting up a shop in town called "Prairie Woman's Threads" which uses exclusively materials grown and bought here in Nebraska. Below are pics of her shop. Materials can be purchased there, as long as lessons on how to do anything you want with the fabric. Looking for equipment, tips, lessons, fabric, or just to chat about your work? You can contact her via email at prairiethreads [at] homtail [dot] com. Here are some pics of her shop:


Rayna said...

Wow, Josh...that painting is GORGEOUS! What do you charge for something like that? My mom would LOVE a farm photo like that with like her peacock, and her cubalaya, and my shetlands, and and and and...hehehe :)

Josh Hoffman said...

Thanks Rayna! I'll send you a message on fb regarding price. :)